Combating Modern Threats to Critical Infrastructure

The word “security” is derived from the 15th century word “securite”, which means “a state or condition of being safe from danger or harm.”  For this week’s cyber tip, we will discuss security in terms of the state and condition of being safe from danger or harm caused by #cyberattacks.  In cybersecurity, the threat surface caused by interconnectivity and interdependency can come from anywhere. Second and third order effects extend across civilizations around the globe. To cope with such modern threats to #criticalinfrastructure it requires a constant vigil. The term constant is extremely important to achieve security.  This implies continuously monitoring for intrusion in the networks requiring security.   

Implementing a system that continuously monitors for intrusion is essential to combat attacks that can occur in the millisecond time frames.  This is beyond human ability to address and demands #automated systems to solve.  There are a growing number of solutions such as Dragos, Claroty, Indegy and others that focus on detecting, securing, and controlling your networks to reduce cyber threats.  Implementing automated systems to provide continuous monitoring also demands talent and skill to properly implement within networks and maximize its effectiveness.  AIT CMAC can help you select the best solution and integrate them into your control networks. Contact us at for help choosing a continuous monitoring solution.
